The run was a classic jungle crawl. A fair number of falsies early in the run threw the leaders off-track. One of them took us nearly 10 minutes to figure out. Thankfully, Underrated and Snake found the sneaky paper hidden off the road in the bush. From there we entered a big cow pasture. And yes, with the rain, we soon found ourselves ankle deep in you know what. Thank goodness there were no new boots! We did the traditional crawl, trudged through the mud and cow pies, climbed over some rocks, and went along and under some barbed wired fences. Richard did a ninja dive during the run. Not to be left-out, Woman in Black did a super ninja roll too while diving through a fence! But all good things must come to an end. It was getting dark, and the Grandmaster ordered the troops to head home. On the way home, the rain hit. By the time we were back, we were wet rats. After toweling off, we grabbed some nuts, and started hitting the keg.
Well, after a good social, it was time for the Hash Circle. The GM dished-out the standard awards for Retreads and what not. He had a long list. It's safe to say, that everyone in the circle got hit. But that was not enough. The Hash Monk stormed the circle with a flash of orange smoke. After recovering from the choking smoke, the circle resumed. The Monk called out Bits & Pieces and Goer's daughter for naming. The monk covered her hair with the flour, some beer, and who knows what. He also prepared some strange orange liquor concoction. He handed the Hash mere a glass, announced that she will hereby be known as Blooming Luscious, we sang, and Blooming Luscious tried to drink the wicked brew. Several Hashers tried to help. After a sip each, they handed the glass to other brave/stupid Hashers to help. The Monk then went after many, Snake for being Snake, Mr. Whippy a double for blogging about the Monk (who thankfully had Tramp help for the save), and Eveready and Fang (for ???). In between, the mad Monk was taking shots of his own brew! In case you haven't guessed it yet, this brew was killer. At this point your poor substitute for a scribe, Mr. Whippy was too liquored-up to remember the details; just vaguely remember the inability to say "statistics," and repeatedly trying to knock over an empty bucket.
It was a great Hash. The Hash Monk was mean. The run was tough. The beer was cold. And the company was great. Check out the run's photos in our Hash Photo Albums.
On On! Mr. Whippy.
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