Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hare & Host Required Run 1723

Hello fellow Hashers & Hash Meri's, due to a conflict of interests, (Lewinski forgot he was in the fishing comp this week, confused it with his usual work day) POD, Gayboy & Lewinski will be unable to host this coming Monday's run.  Can somebody please step up and host for us this week and the Three Amigo's will host the following Monday.  If you could let mismanagement know that would be great.

 For the new guys, it's fine to host a BYO, whereby everyone brings their own food - or host as a group and split the cost & in case you don't know  you can't be named if you haven't hosted.

 The old hands can help you set a run if your stuck, or just do what everyone else does and stitch up Crime!!

Look forward to receiving thousands of offers!!

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