Talofa Hares and Gorgeous Meres
Last night saw a major increase in numbers at the hash, thanks to the Brewmaster's family and friends who were here for Mr. Whippy and Louisa's wedding. Congratulations again to the Barkers and we look forward to a lot of little Barkers running around soon...terrorising the hash clan..
Last night we farewelled Crabs and Bloody Mary after two years....that was the fastest second cumming we have seen. We wish them both where-ever they may be in the future and look forward to a third cumming. You two will be sadly missed, being fantastic people and even more ardent hashers.
Lambada and Pavarotti, who were showing far too much affection in public last night have offered to host next week's run from their home at Vailele....ummm close to SassygirlBJ's home, which means she can go straight home without visiting headquarters.....not!
A map will be forthcoming shortly if i get around to it.
1. Some male shoes from last night's run...and no i went home alone
2. Flash Gordon's shades....nice ones too
3. Ladies blue sandals from the White Monday's run are still in my car....very soon they will belong to the owner of the car if no-one claims them..
Dont forget the 20K, 10K and Kids 3K Fun Run this Saturday. I have registration forms if you are interested. There will be NO RACE DAY REGISTRATIONS.
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