Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Your Mismanagement Committee

Talofa to all and the new hashers

For your information, the following hashers make up your Mismanagement Committee. Feel free to ask questions or voice your opinions to any of them....no long winded whinging thank you.!!!

Grand Master (GM): Shafter
Deputy GM: Lewinsky
Brewmaster: Mr. Whippy
Asst. Brewmaster and BBQ: Lezzie
Hash Mugs: Eveready
Hare Raiser (Hair raiser at other times): SassygirlBJ
Hash Cash: Princess of Darkness (POD)
Hash Trash: SassygirlBlowJob and sometimes FBI cums once a year
Hash Nuts: Godfather
Hash Music:SOTB & Flash Gordon

SassygirlBJ is the current official bearer of bad news and ass kicker!! as well as arranging for upcoming runs.

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