Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Saturday 28th Birthday Party

Talofa all

Thanks again to Lewinsky and POD for another fantastic hash and spread last night. And to all those wimps who did not attend due to a few rain-drops and cyclonic winds, you missed out a great run.....despite the fact that Lewinsky and Son of the Bitch set it from the comfort of the car. They were duly punished for this. James, the ADB consultant, pretending to be a surfer was a great sport when asked to drink out of his shiny new shoes...pity the run did not go thru the mangroves...!!!
Everyone that was in the house ended up with a down-down. Some for valid misdemeanours and others, down-right stupid....but then who needed a smart excuse to be given a down down at hash....most of the down-downs ended down Shafter's throat as the celebrations of the arrival of the new hashman continued. The new addition is named Anesi, after Flo's late dad. Lets hope he can run fast like Sosene Anesi and turn out to be as good looking as him. But then the poor lad, he's got the old man's looks....LOL!!!

The evening ended up with some serious arm wrestling with poor Lezzie losing due to poor technique. He even lost to SassygirlBJ who started up the madness. No other mere wanted to take her on so the hares had to do. Needless to say the meres around the circle were blushing at the sight of some serious guns being flashed..... this is good entertainment especially for the meres if they are into checking out biceps...LOL

Shafter has invited the Hash Family to parteee this Saturday, 28th October 2006, commencing 7.30pm at the Cappucino Vineyard to celebrate Flo's birthday and new figure.
Lukem u fallas den. Wear something spunky, or if you don't have then just turn up in island style wear.



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