Friday, August 20, 2010

Hash Run 1532

This Hash will be hosted by Slippery.

Venue - House Number One (Top or Fourth House above the Main National University of Samoa (NUS) Gate, off Vaivase Road, Opposite Magiagi Primary School), see map.

Limited parking on grounds - parking on grass verge in front of houses.

Run (or walk) starts as usual at 5.30, so bring your old shoes, Hash Cash, good cheer and prepare for a great run in the back woods around NUS.

Assistant Blogmaster's note: Apologies for the map. Basically, to get there, take the Cross-Island Road from town, take the second left (Vailele Street), go up a hill, bear left and there will be a big sign on the right with National University of Samoa. Turn right there, pass the NUS gates and there will be cars parked outside the house.

1 comment:

  1. Map is unreadable, opens the same size when you click on it. Could you magnify in the link? Faafetai
