Thursday, February 04, 2010

Hash Run 1499 E - Screamers Palace of Love @ Siusega


Next week's Run will be hosted by Screamer, COT and Schannel at Screamers Palace of Love at Siusega (Yes, she told me to put that in there) The Hosts have a small note to add to this, see below.

This will be a Rubix Cube THEMED Hash.

Please wear a variety of clothing, with each item in a solid colour. Each individual should wear at least 4 DIFFERENT colours of the Rubix Cube (Red, White, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange).
The goal is to exchange your clothing with different people through the afternoon until you end up with an outfit that is entirely made up of one colour!

You may wear scarves, hats, belts, socks, headbands, wristbands or any other accessories to make up your multi-coloured outfit.

Remember to wear underwear (this advice is specifically for Schannel).

Prizes will be awarded for the most innovative, most sexy and most funny outfits after the swap overs are complete.

Also, bring swimwear, towel and a change of clothes as the pool WILL be clean (no chlorox needed)

See the Map below for Directions. Run Starts at 1730HRS

On On!

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