Tuesday, January 07, 2014

AHHH Donation Drive for Imelda da Welder !

Dear Hashmen and Hash Meres

You will recall that we started collecting some donations a while back to help one of our own, Imelda da Welder(IW) in her time of need. Your mismanagement would like to let you all know that we will make a presentation to her next week. We note that there were several of you who indicated interest to donate but were advised to hold off until MM had sought some clarification as to where the support could be better placed.

We therefore, kindly encourage you to contact POD, GM Gillard or Sassy with your donation so we can finalise our AHHH assistance to IW. We also hope that you will all join us next week where-ever the hash will be for this occasion.

We take this opportunity to highly commend our Witchdoctor in her undying commitment, love and support in the care of IW.

Any donations welcome!!



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